Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I have to name all of my freshmen students (which is 5 of my 7 classes, so.... a lot.) Some of them had English names, but not many. In all, it's probably around 200 names I need to think up, and most of them female.

I've kind of started running out of good, normal names, so there are a few named "Athena" or "Artemis". But I figure this is okay, since they'd find some crazy names on their own if I let them. (Some new discoveries among all our classes: Ted Mosby, Hrothgar, Jack Evette, Cookie, Clytze, Bells, Assassin.)

But I'm also hoping with all these strange names that I'll be able to remember their faces/names together. I'm terrible at it, and I have over 300 students. I've resigned myself that I probably won't know them all by the end of the semester, still. But I'll try.

1 comment:

  1. You have Hrothgar, King of the Mountain People?! AWESOME! Also, I'm glad you met NiuNiu, Zhongguo Mama's Dog. That was one of Mike Hansen's students whom he named. I think I met Cookie, but I'm not sure.

    -Tim S.
