Josh has decided to make P90X an extreme (pardon the pun) part of his day. He’s trying to convince the rest of us to exercise with him, but I personally find it too… much. And I really doubt my commitment to something that, well, extreme. I know I am NOT an athletic or well-exercised in the least, but… this doesn’t seem like an option that meshes well with me.
He’s started cooking as well, which I will commend him for his efforts. With no kitchen and only half-functioning hot plates, he seems to be doing alright thus far. Today was the “protein phase” and so we went to a “steakhouse” for dinner. It was the same one I went to with Jackie and Nastaya (sp?) after the hellish movie experience.
His cooking seems to be going fine so far, but the semester hasn’t even started, so we all have a lot more time on our hands. I’m trying to use mine to blog and upload photos as I’m sure most people (at least on facebook, since I haven’t uploaded any here yet—I am actually in the process of writing them! I already have 8 pages in Word!) have noticed.
Kaifeng is probably the dreariest place to return to after vacationing for 29 days. Everywhere we went, even in the bigger cities, had at least clearer skies, more interesting scenery, or more foreigners. Kaifeng lacks all of that. At the least, it puts a nicer shine on my memories of the holiday, so that’s something?
I woke up dizzy today, and I definitely slept too much. Though with my alarm clock waking me every 10 minutes it was enough to drop me straight back into some really crazy dreams, so I didn’t want to get up. I’m only now feeling better and it’s past midnight. I’ll chalk it off to needed sleep after the sleep-deprived vacation we took. Yes, that’s it.
I’m also not going to think (attempt) about classes until at least Saturday when I should probably start planning for my first Tuesday class, and so I can focus my energy on solely blogging and uploading photos. It’s working so far!
The vacation blogs will be up as soon as possible! Each day has a title, but I’m not sure how they’ll be grouped yet. (Or if they will be.) We’ll see!
Oh, and I broke my spoon today. :( I can’t have yogurt or oatmeal without extreme difficulty. And I haven't vacuumed yet even though I have nerds on the floor (though to be fair, my vacuum is really sucky- and not in the way it should be). I have strange priorities sometimes, I think.
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