So this process can be repeated AT LEAST 6 times, so it's a lot of alcohol drank among everyone at these banquets. And sometimes KTV/karaoke will follow. But that's only happened to me twice. We never have to pay for anything, and we're not expected to.
These banquets don't happen randomly. The first round was at the beginning, welcoming us to Henan University. I suppose there could have been some around National Days, but we were traveling. And we had our most recent around Christmas for both the Winter Solstice and the end of the semester nearing.
I've had more fun at the banquets hosted by my own department, the college English department (for non-English majors). My dean is female, her name is Patricia, and she's a lot of fun to be around. There are also more people in my department since it includes EVERYONE else at the school involved in English, and it's more lively. Puppy is also always there too, whereas Jackie is not always invited to the other since he's part of the International Affairs Office, and not the foreign language department (what the other teachers are part of).
These are just a few pictures from the Solstice Banquet with my department. I'd just gotten a haircut (very little off- I just wanted to get rid of split ends) so my hair was straight because of that. They tried to brush and dry it into a very Chinese looking do, which I don't think suited me well. But I wasn't going to do anything with it cause I'm lazy. The older man you see was the retired president of the department... I think? I've forgotten now, but he was a lot of fun to talk to. And he was a tank-- he had more glasses of bai jiu than I could count and he was still going. That night ended in KTV.
I'll add more as I can-- uploading photos takes longer than writing the entries...
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