So I'll be off to China soon to teach English for an academic year. I'd like to have a place to share thoughts in textual form and in vlog form. We'll see which of the two prevails! I will post as many photos and thoughts as possible here in the blog. I really want an account of my time there, since it marks the beginning of a new “era” for myself and my future. I've graduated, and it's a time of uncertainty, but I at least know what I'll be doing for the immediate year! (In general, that is, of course!)
I've been told I will have a significant amount of freedom in the curriculum and how and what I choose to teach. This is both nerve-wracking and exciting. If I think of amazing ideas, I will be able to implement them, but the flipside of that is not having those ideas in the first place and feeling lost. But at least I will have my teaching partner, Puppy!
Yes, I said Puppy. From what I read of the very helpful book, River Town (by Peter Hessler) and his experience in China teaching, the Chinese will choose rather... unique English names. Like Puppy. Or Chair. Or... really anything that “sounds” cool. It sounds odd now, I know, but think of it in reverse. When learning a new language, everything sounds intriguing and “cool”... but it could mean something as mundane as “paper”, or as unsuitable a name as Puppy is. Regardless, that's her name, and I'll try not to giggle when I meet her in person.
I should be receiving my visa soon. I'm getting the tiniest bit anxious about it, but Jackie said it should all be underway and we should all be receiving them soon. I don't remember how long it took for my Japanese visa when I applied two years ago (wow, that long ago already), but I believe the process began earlier so I had less to worry about with timing.
I also have this crazy notion that possibly I can make this a semi-fashion/work/travel blog. It's a lofty goal, but I have been reading a lot of fashion blogs lately and I think adding that element may not hurt things. At the very least, it'll guarantee a picture per entry!
Considering I know native English-speakers with such diverse names as Pixie, Cicada, and Zephyr (oh, hippies!), I suppose we shouldn't fault the Chinese too much.